7 scary movies to avoid watching after buying your first house

Congrats, you bought a house!

Complete with a basement and a backyard, you’ve got a plot of land in your name, and that’s pretty cool.

Buying a home can be a huge lifestyle change, but especially so in the case of moving to a house after living in high rise buildings, condos, and apartments for quite some time. While you might miss, for example, your friendly concierge, you can waive goodbye to the pain of sharing busy elevators, among other things, woo!

Yet here’s another thing to consider for anyone moving in to a house this Halloween season: avoiding specific types of scary movies.

Call me a scaredy-cat, but I’m going to go bold and say there’s two kinds of scary movie sub-genres you could just steer clear of all together… I’m talking haunted house movies and home invasion thrillers - just don’t do it! Nope. Stay away!

So, here’s a list of 7 scary movies to avoid watching if you actually, you know, like your house and all …

In no particular order:

  1. Amityville Horror (2005)

  2. Hush (2016)

  3. The Strangers (2008)

  4. When A Stranger Calls (2006)

  5. Us (2019)

  6. Paranormal Activity (2007)

  7. Glass House (2001)

  8. Panic Room (2002)

+ an honourary mention to the Netflix series Haunting of Hill House (2018), because last year I wished I never watched that too.

So, naturally, this year I’ll be sticking to a friendly Hocus Pocus screening with a sprinkle of Halloween-themed SNL skits, thank you very much.

Wishing you a happy and healthy Halloween!


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