Blog series: Tip #5 For Fall Home Buyers

Buying a home this fall? These 7 tips could help you land your dream home

Whether you’re buying a house for the first time, or selling your first home and buying your second, navigating the competitive fall housing market takes dedication. These 7 tips can help you put your best foot forward.

Welcome back, for tip #5

‘Go in Firm’

In a multiple offer scenario, a home buyer will want to at least consider submitting a firm offer.

While your agent can (and will) make recommendations, the decision to submit an offer with conditions waived is always up to you and to doing what you’re most comfortable with. Your decision as a buyer to submit a firm offer should depend on how risk-adverse you are, and how prepared you have come to the table (per tip #4).

The proper preparation should help mitigate risk: preparation like receiving the go-ahead from your mortgage lender, and like reviewing a trust-worthy home inspection. Being prepared while bringing a firm offer to the table could help you land your dream home.

See you later for tip #6!


Blog series: Tip #6 For Fall Home Buyers


Blog series: Tips #3 & 4 For Fall Home Buyers